$150.00 USD
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Vea la entrevista con la veterinaria de renombre mundial, la Dra. Karen Becker, aquí:

¡Hola! ¡Soy April, tu PetCoach! Soy CPN ( Nutricionista certificado para mascotas ) , así como PMH (Pet Master Herbalist) . También tengo una licenciatura en ciencias en el campo de la medicina (comienzo mi programa de licenciatura en ciencias en la primavera de 2022) y he estado estudiando continuamente la salud, la nutrición y la medicina holística de las mascotas desde 2010. He sido un especialista de toda la vida. Amante de los animales, así como entusiasta de la salud, y nunca he pasado un día en mi vida sin tener perros y gatos. He tenido experiencia con una amplia gama de razas, incluidas GSP, Golden Retriever, Standard Poodle, Chihuahua, Terriers, gatos Maine Coon, gatos domésticos y gatos Sphynx y Bambino.

He adquirido un amplio conocimiento a través de mi experiencia práctica, como cuidador de mascotas y propietario de un criadero profesional, así como de estudios independientes y profesionales. He ampliado mis conocimientos para comprender las mejores prácticas nutricionales, el mejor uso de vacunas, suplementos nutricionales, medicamentos farmacéuticos, terapias a base de hierbas y modificaciones de comportamiento.

Mi amplia gama de conocimientos también proviene de una profunda lucha con mis propios desafíos personales de salud. Vivo con una rara afección genética potencialmente mortal llamada enfermedad mitocondrial, que me deja con neuropatía crónica, debilidad muscular, inmunodeficiencia primaria, problemas gastrointestinales, disfunción cardíaca, disfunción del tejido conectivo y dolor crónico. Ha habido muchos desafíos tanto físicos como emocionales para mí a medida que mi condición progresa y sigo perdiendo capacidades físicas, además de la enorme pérdida de mi profesión médica anterior. Sin embargo, estoy decidido a seguir adelante con mi vida y elegir vivir con pasión y propósito y utilizar todo el conocimiento que he ganado con tanto esfuerzo para ayudar a otros enseñándoles cómo cuidar mejor a nuestras mascotas.

Creo firmemente en el uso de modalidades naturales siempre que sea posible para revertir los desafíos de salud actuales y devolver el cuerpo a un estado natural de homeostasis. Sin embargo, creo que lo mejor es lograr un equilibrio y una combinación entre la medicina natural y la medicina convencional. Optar por ignorar todo un marco de medicina ya sea natural o convencional en mi opinión, no es una práctica basada en el sentido común sino en la terquedad; y sólo perjudica a personas y animales que podrían beneficiarse.

A través de mis consultas holísticas sobre salud y comportamiento de las mascotas, ayudo a los dueños de mascotas guiándolos a realizar cambios simples, fáciles, asequibles pero efectivos a través de nutrición, suplementos, hierbas medicinales, recomendaciones de medicina convencional y modificaciones de comportamiento para producir resultados de salud duraderos para sus seres queridos. mascotas.

Abril Arguin AS, CPN, PMH
Tu, entrenador de mascotas.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Brooke B.
Best investment

I have always been a paranoid pet owner, so I starting consulting with April a couple weeks after bringing home my first Sphynx baby, just to make sure I have her on the right track. It ended up being a blessing because my Sphynx got an upper respiratory infection not long after bringing her home. I initially went to the vet & spent a good chunk of money on antibiotics (which I didn’t want to do to such a young kitten). After that didn’t work, April & I came up with a plan to get my baby healthy as quickly & efficiently as possible. I know for a fact that working with April saved me hundreds of $$$ in vet bills, but I also feel like the supplements April recommended were much better for my babies immune system & health so it’s a win win. I highly recommend her & all of her supplements & skin care to everyone I meet!

Karri W
April knows!

I was so delighted to speak with April and connect through a mutual acquaintance. I have five dogs and two with special dietary needs due to health conditions. April was able to help me with a recipe that is nutritionally sound AND the best part is all five of them can eat it. I don't have time to make 3 separate homemade meals! She also took time to educate me about a few supplements that will serve the furrry kids well!!

Lauren Schipper
Incredibly helpful and responsive!

My sphynx Dobby had been suffering from diarrhea for well over a year but we were very limited in our options with pre-made food from the vet due to her food allergies. April helped us figure out what proteins Dobby is allergic to and helped guide me through the whole process of making a fully homemade, cooked and diverse diet for her. April also helped a lot with some very annoying attention seeking behaviors that Dobby began exhibiting after we brought our new baby home. Dobby is now living her best little life with lots of playtime, snuggles and a healthy GI tract.

Susan Hebert
Homemade Raw

I was wanting to learn how to make my own homemade raw but was super nervous about it. April made it so easy, with a phone call, chats, and videos to follow a step by step recipe. She answered every question I had and never once felt like I was rushed. I was so excited and proud of my first batch. I couldn’t have done it without her! Highly recommend April for any of your needs.

jaylyn soucy
Informative consult

Thank you April for a very informative consultation. I was very satisfied with the approach and information provided. You were very willing to listen to my issues and made sure to answer all my questions and take the time to make sure I understood everything we went over. Thank you so much. We cant wait to start these recommendations.

Shawna Peck
”cured my Quinn’s IBS

Emergency vet said medication forever with no cure for my Quinn’s IBS. Wanted to switch to raw but was nervous about making sure I provided the best diet for nutrition. Found April in a group discussion about raw foods and the benefits along with CURING IBS. After an array of attempts with nothing working. Everything April said made complete sense, we were eager to try. Quinn showed immediate personality changes, more became more alert and outgoing then ever before. Her stool was no longer falling out of her as she stepped into the litter box. She had extreme diarrhea and even underwent a facial transplant looking for a cure. It was a temporary fix and we were ready to repeat the procedure. Within a few months the transformation unfolded. Our sensitive, sick little girl is now playing, jumping for bugs at the window. She is interested and curious about everything like she is seeing it for the first time. She finally feels well enough to enjoy life 💚 April helped every step of the way, she was patient and explained everything thoroughly. I have high anxiety and believe me, a big change to your babies food can be really scary. I worry and over think everything and even I feel confident now with April’s help. Even though Quinn’s has now been released as a patient and is like a new cat. I recommend April 100% worth it!!!

Amanda G
Amazing Help

April was such a great help from day one. She explains everything well and thoroughly and she tells you everything you need to know. April is very knowledgeable and very patient with all your questions. You can tell she definitely knows what she is talking about. On top of that she is very passionate with her words which means alot. I highly highly recommend April for any of your pet needs, diet and holistic questioms!!

Such a blessing!!

I’m a 16yo Grey Lady. We found out I had kidney disease about 2 human years ago. I hadn’t been feeling very good, and was sick a lot. April taught my mommy how to make yummy home made food and what good supplements I needed. I’m feeling so much better and haven’t been sick in months! The vet even said my blood work is looking better. My mommy said she was sooo grateful for how supportive April was, who was always there when she needed her help. She’s such a nice lady and we love her!!! Also, the bath soaps she sells are the only one that actually get me squeaky clean. They’re my fave! 😸😻😽

Ryan Christopher
Highly Recommend April!

My wife and I have two Peterbald sphinx cats Benji & Petey! They are two years apart but share the same bloodline. Both of them were constantly sneezing + itching their eyes raw. Numerous trips to the vet, the same antibiotics every other week and no lasting results we contacted April. April was very educated on these breeds and was incredible with her knowledge of their health issues and needs. She immediately had us change their litter, we put them on her allergy relief remedy, numerous of the vitamins, changed their litter & switched to a raw diet and you can see the changes! Their energy has gone up and the sneezing has stopped. They both seem genuinely healthier in their skin and all around health. We are so happy to have found April and will be reaching out in the future with any further questions!

Shawna Peck
A+ A+ A+

Great consult, awesome valuable information. April cares for your little one too and is an incredible resource!!! A true path to animal wellness. We want what’s best for our babies.