4 Tips to Help Your Cat Recover From Spay/Neuter Surgery - Tip 2

4 Tips to Help Your Cat Recover From Spay/Neuter Surgery - Tip 2

4 Tips to Help Your Cat Recover From Spay/Neuter Surgery - Tip 2

Today, we are talking about some practical ways to help your cat after they have been through their spay or neuter surgery. It’s not easy to watch your pet in pain, but if you follow the 4 tips in this series, you will help your pet to recover much quicker. 

Tip #1 was to ask for pain meds from your veterinarian when you take your cat home after surgery 

Tip #2

My second tip for helping your cat recover from spay or neuter surgery is that you want to feed your pet very small meals after surgery. Typically, you will only want to feed your cat one fifth or one sixth of their normal portion of food and feed them more frequently instead of a larger portion in one sitting. 

The reason for this is that the anesthesia can make them feel nauseous following surgery. Another reason is that before a surgery, you will be told to fast your cat overnight so that their stomach is empty. This means that your kitty’s stomach is more acidic and more vulnerable to becoming upset, so feeding smaller meals will help to reduce the nausea and to slowly fill their stomach back up without overwhelming their gastrointestinal system with too much food. This will help their digestive system to work more smoothly and allow them to heal and recover well.

So, after surgery be sure to feed your pet very small meals every 3 to 4 hours to allow them to recover slowly and so you can monitor how much nutrition they are taking in 

Don’t miss tip #3, coming soon!

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H


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