Surgical Aftercare For Skinny Pigs!

Surgical Aftercare For Skinny Pigs!

Surgical Aftercare For Skinny Pigs!

If your skinny pig has recently undergone surgery, you're likely filled with a mix of relief and concern. Just as the surgery and anesthesia process requires careful consideration, so too does the recovery period.

Post-Op Care 

Here’s everything you need to know to ensure your skinny pig bounces back after surgery.

Warmth and Comfort: Without their furry coat, skinny pigs are particularly susceptible to cold. Keep them in a warm (not hot), quiet place away from drafts. A cozy hideaway where they can retreat but still be observed is ideal.

Observation: Monitor your pet closely for any signs of discomfort, distress, or unusual behavior. Difficulty breathing, excessive lethargy, or refusal to move are immediate red flags.

Encourage Eating and Drinking: After anesthesia, your skinny pig might not feel like eating or drinking right away. However, it’s crucial to gently encourage them. Offer favorite foods and fresh water. Hydration is particularly important to help flush the anesthesia from their system. Now is not the time to try new foods - wait until they are fully recovered before altering their diet in any way.

Critical Care Feed: If your skinny pig refuses to eat, consult your vet about using a syringe-fed liquid diet like Critical Care to maintain nutrition until they're ready to eat on their own.

Follow Your Vet’s Guidance: Your vet may prescribe pain medication to help manage discomfort. It's vital to follow the dosage and schedule precisely.

Watch for Signs of Pain: Skinny pigs are good at hiding discomfort. Quietness, reluctance to move, or a hunched posture can all indicate pain. Address any concerns with your vet promptly.

Clean, Quiet, and Comfortable Environment: Keep the recovery area clean to prevent infection, quiet to reduce stress, and comfortable to encourage rest. Avoid unnecessary handling or disturbances.

Minimize Handling: In the first few days post-op, limit handling to necessary care and check-ups to avoid stressing the surgical site or causing your skinny pig pain.

Gradual Reintroduction: Once your vet gives the go-ahead, slowly reintroduce gentle handling and socialization to prevent loneliness, being mindful of any surgical sites or wounds.

Restrict Movement Initially: Depending on the surgery, you may need to restrict your skinny pig's movements to prevent strain on the surgical site. Use a smaller enclosure if recommended by your vet. As they recover, gradually increase their space and encourage gentle movement to boost circulation and healing.

Wound Care: Check the surgical site daily for signs of infection or healing issues. Any redness, swelling, discharge, or opening of the wound warrants immediate veterinary attention.

Follow-Up Visits: Don’t skip post-operative check-ups. These are crucial for assessing how well the wound is healing and whether any adjustments to care are needed.

Skin Care: Be extra mindful of their skin. Post-surgery, your skinny pig’s skin might be more sensitive, especially around the surgical site. Keep it clean and monitor for any signs of irritation or infection.

Companionship: If you have more than one skinny pig, monitor their interactions closely when reintroducing them following surgery. Ensure the recovering pig isn’t bullied or excessively groomed at the wound site. A temporary separation may be needed until your skinny pig is fully healed.

Recovery can be a slow journey, but if you stay in close contact with your vet, follow their advice, and trust your instincts as a caring pet parent, your sweet little potato will return to their quirky, delightful selves in no time. 

Here’s to a full recovery for your skinny pig!

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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