What To Do If Your Skinny Pig Gets A Foot Wound!

What To Do If Your Skinny Pig Gets A Foot Wound!

What To Do If Your Skinny Pig Gets A Foot Wound!

Today we are going to explore how to prevent, identify, and treat minor foot injuries, like cuts and abrasions, that can lead to major problems if left unattended.

Cuts and abrasions might seem minor, but for a skinny pig that has extremely sensitive feet  they can quickly escalate into more serious issues. These injuries are not just painful but can also be gateways for infections to develop, which are much harder to treat.

Common Causes

Sharp edges in their enclosure, wire bottomed cages, rough bedding materials, or even an accidental scrape during playtime exploration can lead to cuts and abrasions on tiny feet and toes. Skinny pigs have a curious nature that often puts them at risk, especially in environments not optimized for their safety, or when they are let out of their enclosures to explore. Before letting your skinny pig out into your garden, ensure there are no sharp thorns or other prickly pests that can poke their feet.


Of course if the cut is serious, you will see the blood and be able to act promptly. However, sometimes cuts are really small and not always visible immediately.

In this case, watch for subtle changes in behavior, such as reluctance to move or limping when walking. Infections can happen quickly and are indicated by swelling, redness, or discharge from around the wound.

First Aid 

1. Clean and Assess: 

For minor cuts, gently clean the area with a saline solution to prevent infection. Assess the depth and severity of the wound – if it's more than superficial, veterinary attention is necessary.

2. Create a Safe Haven: 

Review your skinny pig’s living space for potential hazards and remove or smooth out any sharp edges. Opting for softer, safer bedding materials can also make a big difference. Always supervise your skinny pig when they are outside the safety of their enclosure, whether in your home or outdoors.

3. Seek Professional Help: 

Deeper cuts or any signs of infection warrant a trip to the vet. They may prescribe antibiotics or recommend further treatment to ensure healing occurs without complications. If an infection is severe it can spread in the blood or bone and may in extreme cases lead to amputation. 

For less serious injuries, it's a good idea to have some natural healing salve on hand to promptly treat a scratch and promote healing so you can avoid infection and costly vet bills. 

4. Prevention is Key: 

Regular habitat checks and maintenance are your best defense against these types of foot injuries. Never leave your skinny pig unattended when outside the safety of their enclosure, even for a minute - accidents happen faster than you'd think. 

Cuts and abrasions don't have to be a common plight for your skinny pig. With vigilant care, a safe environment, and a keen eye for their health and happiness, you can help your pet avoid these painful experiences. 

While the best care is preventive, accidents do happen and knowing how to respond promptly and when to seek veterinary advice can make all the difference.

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H


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