Why Wheat-Based Cat Litter Can Be Dangerous!

Why Wheat-Based Cat Litter Can Be Dangerous!

Why Wheat-Based Cat Litter Can Be Dangerous!

Do you use a wheat-based cat litter for your kitty? Here’s why you should think twice…


In my previous blog about corn cat litters, I told you about a serious life-threatening fungus that can develop in corn, called aflatoxins.

Unfortunately, the same thing can happen with wheat based litters. The grains of wheat used in the wheat litter can be contaminated with these aflatoxins and then these can proliferate and spread when they’re wet by your cat’s urine. This can then create a potentially dangerous situation for both you and your cat.

Both of you can become infected by these fungal spores, you when scooping the litter, and your cat when using the litter box. 

Understandably, many cat parents want to use these natural litters - I mean, they’re natural and biodegradable, so they must be good, right? For the most part this logic is sound, however aflatoxins can lead to very serious health issues and even death, so it’s a good idea to stick to other natural materials that are safe when choosing a litter for your cats.

If you would like to know my top recommendations for pet-safe cat litters - Click HERE

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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