$17.97 USD

Los productos de salud y cuidado ReNewedPet® están aprobados por veterinarios holísticos y cada uno de ellos está elaborado únicamente con ingredientes 100 % naturales, no transgénicos y orgánicos. Utilizamos solo los mejores ingredientes que ayudan a extender la salud y la longevidad de sus mascotas junto con ingredientes y envases que promueven la salud y son amigables con el medio ambiente.


Champú de baño regular para mascotas sin pelo

BONIFICACIÓN: Par de guantes de baño exfoliantes adicionales



Champú para mascotas ReNewedPet® 4-Hairless: ¡Este champú para mascotas totalmente natural está elaborado únicamente con los mejores ingredientes naturales, orgánicos y sin OGM! Este champú fue formulado específicamente para cuidar mascotas con piel normal a grasa. Formulado para las necesidades únicas de las mascotas sin pelo cuya piel requiere más aceite y menos jabón para hidratar y prevenir la acumulación de aceite "rebote", manteniendo su piel limpia y saludable durante períodos de tiempo más prolongados entre baños. Formulado para una mayor eficacia cuando se usa sólo en mascotas sin pelo.


Ponte guantes exfoliantes. Moja a tu mascota. Coloque una cantidad generosa de producto en la palma de una mano enguantada mojada y luego masajee las manos rápidamente para producir espuma. Frote sobre la mascota comenzando por la cabeza, evitando los ojos y los oídos. Enjuague bien. Aplique acondicionador para mascotas inmediatamente después del enjuague mientras la mascota aún esté mojada.

Ingredientes: jabón de aceite de coco orgánico, aceite de coco fraccionado, glicerina vegetal orgánica, aceite de semilla de cáñamo orgánico, aceite de oliva orgánico, aceite de jojoba orgánico, miel orgánica, extracto de vainilla sin alcohol, aceite de vitamina e sin OGM.


*Solo los mejores ingredientes naturales, orgánicos y no transgénicos; comprado únicamente a empresas estadounidenses.

*Todos los productos e ingredientes son seguros para gatos, perros y productos selectos para usar en otros animales grandes y pequeños.

*Formulado por April Arguin AS, CPN, PMH (asociados en ciencia, nutricionista certificado para mascotas y maestro herbolario de mascotas).

"¡Dale a tus mascotas lo mejor de la vida natural!"

~Equipo ReNewedPet®

DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: ReNewedPet® no es responsable de ninguna reacción individual que pueda ocurrir como resultado del uso de nuestros productos. Nuestros productos proporcionan ingredientes suaves y no irritantes. Sin embargo, como todas las mascotas son diferentes, recomendamos que siempre verifique la sensibilidad realizando una prueba de alergia o una dosis reducida de cualquier suplemento oral antes del uso inicial de cualquier producto nuevo. Se realiza una prueba de parche aplicando una pequeña cantidad de producto, según las instrucciones; esperar un periodo de 24 horas. Si se produce algún enrojecimiento o irritación, suspenda su uso inmediatamente y comuníquese con su veterinario.

Customer Reviews

Based on 30 reviews
Corrine Yonas
Love this shampoo

I’ve used this product since my sphynx got home. I’ve never had skin issues and he’s always so handsome.
Thank you.

Not Regular no no no, this shampoo is nothing but magical

We have multiple nakids running this clothes optional resort.. and all the nakids get a one on one bath once a week like clock work (its on the calendar) I use a wash basin sink in our laundry room sometime I lather them before going in to water and I still use shampoo while in bath I use gloves, luffa / soft Terry wash cloth and sometime the silicone gloves with silicone fingers for cleaning on the inside palms etc. (they love those think. they eellike its a soft kitty tongue ( usually use therefor the conditioner part)
my girls wear clothes all. the time and they never have any oily stain on their clothes and they do get dirty from the patio and going. on adventures outside with me too but they always feel soft n silky never sticky even after sweating ( we live in south Flit gets hot hot) and yes they do sweat!! haha

Kathleen M

I love this product so much for my naked boy it works wonders ! I want to buy everything on here. The shampoo and conditioner are so amazing and leave me sphynx looking perfect!

Natalie Fernandez

I have a 1 yr old sphynx named Prince Hairy. He's the love of my life & the breeder we got him from recommended renewed pets for him. I've been using the product for him ever since. It works great on removing all the oil & build up even between the creases in his toes.

Susan Potter
Worth every penny...and then some!

I purchased my Bambino Sphynx two years ago, the best decision I EVER made! I did hours and hours and hours of research as to what cat food would be best to feed her but did not realize how VITAL the right skin products would be as well!

I am pretty sure I tried just about every shampoo at the upscale pet stores, Amazon of course, and word of mouth specialty items which can be purchased online as well. I even tried the cheap stuff wishing for a miracle. Nothing worked well for her; that is until I read about Renewed Pet.

I was hesitant to order, I will admit, due to not only the price but the fact there is no return policy. Regardless, I placed an order for a sampler pack because it was obvious nothing else was working. OH...MY...GOSH! Do you know why the prices are higher than other products and there is no return policy offered? BECAUSE YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH THE RESULTS! These products will blow your mind and transform your hairless animal's skin! The shampoo, conditioner, booty cleaner, ear cleaner, nail cleaner - BUY IT! Buy it all!

The transformation in my cat's skin and over all wellbeing is due to ReNewed Pet products! Seriously, their products are bar none. You can keep trying and struggling and spending with other items recommended for sphynx, but this is the real deal. Not only are they fantastic but they last forever! Don't let the size of the products offered make you think they disappear quickly, every item I have purchased lasts for months and months and months. You just won't believe the longevity.

The color of my cat changed after using the product, the oils on her skin subsided, the stripes on her back disappeared and she has not suffered any more blackhead break outs. I also don't have to bathe my cat as often now that we use these products as her skin is so healthy!

It's worth a sample pack try but trust me, you will be back for more :)

Molly Greenfield
Best hairless shampoo

My cat changed colors when I used this product the first time. We had no idea my car was so light pink. Trust me we washed him with normal cat shampoo regularly but this stuff really is perfect for hairless skin and helps continuously

Pegah Heidari
Best shampoo

I have been using this shampoo on my sphynx and it takes the body oils right off him. Very easy to use shampoo unlike some of the other ones on market. Thank you for the great and EASY TO USE product!

Great shampoo!

I am a first time sphynx owner and decided to try this shampoo after seeing positive reviews online, and I'm glad to say, those reviews were accurate! The shampoo suds up nicely, removes dirt with ease, and doesn't leave any noticeable residue. The customer service was also great which is an added positive.

Tina Ratliff
Sphynx baby finally clean

I obtained my sphynx baby when my Dad passed. Everything I tried still left brownish oil residue on her and your clothes. I came across these products on Insta Gram and I was Skeptical but thought I need to try something new to get her cleaner and last longer. And just WOW all the products I have tried have worked amazing. Now she can 7-10 days between baths instead of needing every 2days. I completely recommend these products for all of your hairless pets.


Love how clean it gets him, removes the blackheads with little scrubbing or irritating his skin and doesn't dry him out.
I will purchase more.