$33.97 USD
Tamaño - UNA TINA (3.17 oz.)

Probióticos completos para perros y gatos proporciona 38 mil millones de “ayudantes” bacterianos listos para respaldar el microbioma de su mascota y promover un equilibrio natural y saludable de bacterias para ayudar a mantener la salud corporal total.

Sin embargo, como has podido comprobar, no todos los probióticos para mascotas del mercado cumplen los mismos criterios estrictos.

Las bacterias probióticas que se encuentran en los productos actuales varían significativamente en composición, actividad biológica y porción. Además, como ya habrás aprendido, la forma en que se fabrica un producto puede tener un gran impacto en su potencia y, por tanto, en su eficacia.

En resumen, así es como Probióticos completos para perros y gatos se compara con otros suplementos probióticos para mascotas en el mercado:

  • En lugar de sólo una o un pequeño puñado de cepas probióticas, su mascota recibe 14 cepas diferentes con valor comprobado para perros y gatos.
  • Tienes la seguridad de conseguir un mínimo de 38 mil millones de UFC en cada cucharada hasta la fecha de vencimiento impresa en cada paquete.
  • Las cepas probióticas son resistente al ácido y a la bilis para obtener beneficios óptimos.
  • Es fácil de almacenar como producto. no requiere refrigeración u otro almacenamiento especial.
  • La formula entrega organismos vivos y viables y está fabricado para evitar daños por calor, aire y humedad.
  • Se fabrica en una instalación certificada para estar en Cumplimiento total de los requisitos GMP .
  • Nuestra fórmula tiene poco o ningún sabor por lo que la aceptación no debería ser un problema para perros y gatos.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Alma Coronel
Good product

It seems to be working. I have a rescue 1 year old staffy mix who was always throwing up. She was dewormed and still would throw up. I started using this probiotic and she’s not eating grass and throwing up anywhere near as she used to.

The only con is the price. This is a bit expensive.

The product was shipped right away.

Brenda D
very helpful for IBD

I started giving my dog Fidospore after a recent flareup of his IBD. Its been about a week and he has totally stopped 'fly biting' and watching his stomach and has a lot more energy. He's a small dog who reacts to everything so I started with only a half capsule a day and have not seen any need to increase the dose as it seems to be working just fine.

Kimberly Leon

I was looking for a research-based probiotic for my fur babies and was pleased to find it here with renewed pet. Best pricing and quick shipping!! The probiotics have made a huge difference and my fur babies digestive system is happy! I’ll keep shopping here as the service is excellent!!

Diane Walker

This probiotic works so well for my IBD dog. All other lactose based probiotics were not helping her symptoms. Many dogs with her condition may do better with soil based probiotics. . This seemed to work in a few days to help with regular stool. Very happy to have found this product.

Seems to work

I only got a 30 day supply of this probiotic and I wish I would have gotten at least 60-days supply. I mainly ordered it because my 11 year old Rottweiler is irregular and this probiotic was being advertised for “constipation”. It seemed to work well while my dog was taking it but he didn’t take it long enough to really say for sure this product made a difference. It is is a little more expensive than the other probiotic I have used.

Shawna Peck
Keeps my two healthy!! Great Product!

Great product and has helped keep my babies healthy!! Easy to use too!!

Amber Tyler
Good product

Our Sphynx boys struggle with loose stools despite being on sensitive stomach food. Started to give the probiotics and their stools is improving