Jan. 14, 2025

Jan. 14, 2025

I know there's growing concern about the recent H5N1 bird flu outbreaks and how they might affect our cats. As a dedicated cat parent and advocate ...

Des produits
Irritable Bowel Disorder DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LIFE-LONG!


1. Passer à une alimentation crue ou fraîchement cuite surgelée et équilibrée de haute qualité. ( Trouvez le lien vers les recommandations sur notre site Web )
2. Une enzyme digestive – regardez la « santé intestinale complète » sur onlynaturalpet.com
3. Un probiotique qui fonctionne VRAIMENT – consultez notre site Web pour « Fidospore » (idéal également pour les chats), un probiotique unique encapsulé dans des spores qui survit à l'acide gastrique et pénètre dans les intestins pour faire son travail !

Des produits
AVOID These Lickable Cat Treats...

AVOID These Lickable Cat Treats...

Let’s talk about lickable cat treats today!   I’m sure if you have a cat you’ve already tried a lickable cat treat for them and most likely you’ve...

How is Feline Herpes Virus Treated?

How is Feline Herpes Virus Treated?

A question from our sphynx cat community recently asked about using Viralys to treat Feline Herpes Virus, even though their cat isn’t having an act...

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How is Feline Herpes Virus Diagnosed?

How is Feline Herpes Virus Diagnosed?

If you suspect your cat has a Feline Herpes infection you need to know how to properly diagnose the condition.    The diagnostic test is widely av...

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New FIP Treatment for Sphynx Cats!

New FIP Treatment for Sphynx Cats!

The condition known as FIP - Feline Infectious Peritonitis is no longer a death sentence for cats.   Up until recent years a diagnosis of FIP alm...
