Hairless Pet Skin Healing Guide!

Hairless Pet Skin Healing Guide!

Hairless Pet Skin Healing Guide!

Sphynx cats, skinny pigs, and hairless dogs like the Chinese Crested, Xolo (Xoloitzcuintle), and American Hairless Terrier have unique skin needs that require special care. Some of these pets will naturally just have more sensitive skin than others, just like humans. This means that sometimes your hairless cat, hairless dog, or skinny pig can struggle with issues like acne or have rash prone skin. The lack of hair on these pets also means that they are more susceptible to cuts and scrapes without anything to protect their delicate skin.

RenewedPet is your go-to for natural products made especially for hairless pets and all the potential skin issues you may encounter. 

Our skin healing salve not only treats active rashes but is also a necessity in your pet’s first aid box to treat wounds, burns, cuts and scrapes. It even helps to prevent scarring from deep wounds. Our salve uses natural organic oils, beeswax, and specially selected healing pet-safe herbal extracts which in combination, work to naturally heal wounds from the inside out. It can safely be used on all breeds of pets - cats, dogs and small animals and even works on furry pets.

If your sphynx cat, Chinese Crested, Xolo (Xoloitzcuintle), or American Hairless Terrier suffers with pet acne or blackheads, the RenewedPet Acne Remedy is a must have to clear up troublesome spots. Most often, acne and similar skin blemishes are caused by an imbalance of skin PH and overactive pores. Our all-natural acne remedy has ingredients that work to detox the pores and clean and clear the skin preventing a recurrence. 

Now the key to using our acne remedy and skin healing salve effectively is making sure to cover the area you are treating so that the products can work. If your pet licks off the remedy, it won't be as effective in treating the skin problem. There are 2 ways I recommend doing this.

Option 1 - Using a soft e-collar AKA “The cone of shame” - these soft collars are easy to use and stop your pet from licking an irritating and itchy rash or a wound. 

Here are some recommendations:

  1. Purrre - for cats
  2. Flower-shaped cone for cats 
  3. Recovery Cone for dogs
  4. Rainbow Donut for dogs
  5. Lion Cone for cats and dogs
  6. Small animal collar
  7. Soft recovery collar for skinny pigs

Option 2 - If you cannot face the doleful eyes staring at you from beneath the cone of shame, you’ll want to get your pet a healing suit. These suits cover your pet’s body and stop them from scratching or licking the affected area so it can heal.

Here are some of our favorites:

  1. Long sleeved recovery suit for dogs and cats - this one is great because it covers the front legs fully too.
  2. Soft recovery suit for cats
  3. Medical onesie for dogs
  4. Full tail suit for cats with acne on their tails
  5. Tail covering suits for dogs

If your hairless dog or cat suffers from tail acne, you can even get one of these tail protectors to only cover the affected area.

  1. The happy tail guard
  2. K9 Tailsaver

So that’s how you can get the best out of our all-natural healing products and expedite your pet’s healing process. 

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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