I Want To Start Feeding My Sphynx A Raw Food Diet - Where Do I Start?

I Want To Start Feeding My Sphynx A Raw Food Diet - Where Do I Start?

I Want To Start Feeding My Sphynx A Raw Food Diet - Where Do I Start?

Congratulations! Deciding to feed your cat of any age or breed a raw food diet is the single best thing that you can do for their health, well being and longevity.

It's natural to feel a little out of your depth in how to approach this big transition but the good news is I have a TON of resources to make this process super simple and easy for you.


The first thing you need to understand is that this is going to potentially be a long process and it will require patience, dedication and consistency on your part. Just like us humans, cats have eating preferences and some may transition easily, others may take a bit longer and still others may undertake what's akin to the French Revolution in refusing to accept the fresh food diet - the thing to remember is slow and steady will win this race. Don’t give in at the first hurdle and accept that this may take a few months to fully transition your cat.

Now the next step is going to be to decide whether you are going full raw from the start or whether you will have the extra step in the middle of gently cooked fresh food. Some people do not feel comfortable feeding a raw diet and if that is you, then you can still enjoy many health benefits with a commercial gently cooked diet for your cat. My top recommendations for commercially available fresh gently cooked foods are Raised Right, Bibim Paws, and Nom Nom.

Here are some of the best raw options that are available today for you to choose from when opting for a fresh food diet for your pet. And because I am all about making this process a no-brainer decision, I have done all the hard work to bring you this handy raw food price comparison guide so you are fully prepared in every way.

Now that you are set with your choice, the next step is to start switching out your cat's food slowly. It’s daunting to start, but if you follow my guidelines, you will see it’s not as difficult as you’d imagine. Here is a handy chart that you can download and put up for easy reference as you slowly work through the food transition until your cat is eating the new diet exclusively.

And the last step, which is my personal favorite, is realizing that you can make your cat’s food yourself in literally just minutes. I teach a low cost course that shows you exactly what you need to do and how to do it, so it’s stress free and easy to give your cat the best diet for their health. I have a FREE recipe pamphlet which you can download here to get you started as well as a FREE feeding chart.

If you have any questions, concerns or your kitty is truly resisting all your best efforts, you can schedule a personal consultation with me and I will work with you and your pet until they are fully transitioned and happy.

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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