If Your Cat is NOT Using the Litter Box - Do THIS! Part 4...

If Your Cat is NOT Using the Litter Box - Do THIS! Part 4...

If Your Cat is NOT Using the Litter Box - Do THIS! Part 4...

I’m sure by now you have realized that there is a fair amount of detective work involved in finding out why your kitty is determined to go outside the litter box - it would be so much easier if they could just tell us, right?!

This week’s super-sleuthing solution (say that fast 3 times!) is for all those cat parents who have more than one kitty.


If you have 2 or more cats, there may be what's called “litter box aggression” going on in your home. This simply means that one of your cats is being territorial about the litter box and this can make your other cats nervous and anxious which may result in them going to the bathroom elsewhere.

The easiest solution is to add more litter boxes in other areas of your home as far away as you can from the litter box that is being dominated. This gives the kitty that is being litter box stalked a safe place to go to the bathroom in peace away from the kitty who doesn’t like to share. 

Placing the new litter box of the correct type in a quiet spot far away from the other box may be a quick and easy way to encourage an anxious and nervous kitty back into proper toileting etiquette.

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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