ULTIMATE Guide For Inappropriate Litter Box Use!

ULTIMATE Guide For Inappropriate Litter Box Use!

ULTIMATE Guide For Inappropriate Litter Box Use!

This is the only resource you will ever need to say goodbye to litter box behavior issues for good. 

The first step is to take your cat to the vet for a full medical exam to rule out any potential health issue that could be responsible for your kitty not going in the litter box. Once you have the all-clear from your vet, here are 10 things you can try to correct the behavior and get your kitty litter box trained again.

Number 1

You should have one more litter box than you have cats, so 1 cat = 2 litter boxes; 2 cats = 3 litter boxes and so on. This is such an easy fix!

Number 2

Pay attention to the type of litter boxes you have for your cat. Ideally, they need to be large, flat rectangles to be optimally comfortable for your cat to use. I would also recommend staying away from automatic litter boxes as the sounds and movement can spook your kitty.

Number 3

Make sure you choose the quietest places in your home that afford your kitty a measure of privacy when they are ready to use the litter box. Your cat will not be happy to go to the bathroom in a noisy area full of people - so place your cat’s litter boxes strategically in your house.

Number 4

If you are the parent to more than one cat, you may have something called “litter box aggression” happening. This is where one kitty has become territorial over the litter box and won’t let your other cat use it which of course results in accidents around the house. The easiest way to solve this is to place another litter box at the furthest distance from the one under kitty guard so your other cat has a safe place to go to the bathroom.

Number 5

Cats are extremely clean creatures - they will not like to use a dirty litter box. Make sure you are scooping out the waste at least once a day, but ideally twice. If this is not possible, make sure you have added extra litter boxes to your home so your cat always has a clean place to do their business.

Number 6

The type of litter you use is extremely important. Ideally your litter should be all of the following:

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Fragrance free
  • Chemical free
  • Dust free
  • Made of small particles (soft on paws)

Number 7

Cat wee really stinks - and it’s the kind of smell that lingers and seems to permeate everything. If you have a kitty who has launched a litter box resistance movement, you need to get yourself some enzymatic cleaner ASAP! This is the only cleaner that will effectively remove the smell from your carpet, bedding or flooring and it will completely destroy the scent so your cat will not be attracted back to that spot again. 

Number 8

Sometimes cats will urinate or defecate outside the litter box if they are feeling stressed or anxious - you can combat this by using scent swapping to put their scent down in an area which will help them to feel calm. 

Number 9

Quarantining your kitty in a smaller area with just one spot for eating, one for sleeping and one that has their litter box in it is an extremely effective way to retain your kitty back into using the litter box correctly. Here is the full step-by-step process to follow to do this successfully. 

Number 10

Time to call in the big guns - if none of the previous solutions have helped, it’s time to consult with a certified, qualified professional pet behaviorist who will help you get to the root of your cat’s litter box resistance.

I hope you have enjoyed our litter box series. If you would like me to help you in getting your cat back into the litter box, you can schedule a consultation with me and I can help you wave goodbye to litter box troubles for good!

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H


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