Normal Sleep Habits of Your Skinny Pig!

Normal Sleep Habits of Your Skinny Pig!

Normal Sleep Habits of Your Skinny Pig!

Sleep is important for every creature on this planet. Sleep is where your body rests and recuperates, it’s essential for healing and general overall health and well-being. 

So, what does skinny pig sleep look like?

How Much Shut-Eye Does Your Skinny Pig Really Need? 

Unlike humans with our monophasic sleep patterns (one main sleep period per 24 hours), skinny pigs are polyphasic sleepers. This means they enjoy multiple bouts of sleep throughout a 24-hour period, totaling up to about 4-6 hours. It's a common misconception that these critters are nocturnal. In reality, they're more likely to prefer a good nap to recharge before exploring and playing again. 

Creating a Snooze Sanctuary: Location, Location, Location…

The ideal sleeping spot for your skinny pig plays a crucial role in their overall comfort and health. Since skinny pigs lack fur, they can easily become cold, making their bedding and habitat setup vital. Opt for a cozy, warm area within their cage using fleece bedding, which is not only soft but also easy to clean and safe for their delicate skin

Additionally, providing a hideout within their cage can offer a sense of security and warmth. This is particularly important since skinny pigs, being prey animals, need a safe place to retreat to when they feel threatened or just need a quiet nap.

Skinny pigs often enjoy cuddling with their cage mates for warmth and companionship. Ensure they have enough room to snuggle comfortably without overcrowding, as this can enhance their sleep quality and overall well-being.

Temperature is Key

Maintaining an appropriate temperature and humidity level in their environment is non-negotiable. Aim for a comfortable 75°F (24°C). Too cold, and your skinny pig could suffer from respiratory problems or hypothermia; too hot, and heatstroke becomes a risk. Their sleep quality directly correlates with their comfort level, so keeping their habitat around this temperature is essential for ensuring restful sleep. Skinny pigs can easily get too cold. If you notice your pet huddling constantly or appearing lethargic, it might be a sign they’re too chilly and their sleeping area needs warming up.

Sleep Disturbances: 

Sudden changes in sleeping patterns can be a red flag. If your skinny pig is sleeping significantly more or less than usual, it could indicate health issues ranging from dietary deficiencies to stress. Keep an eye on their behavior and consult a vet if you notice drastic changes.

Understanding and catering to your skinny pig’s sleep needs is a cornerstone of responsible pet ownership. By providing a warm, comfortable sleeping environment, monitoring for any sleep-related health issues, and ensuring they have ample opportunities for rest and activity, you'll be setting the stage for a happy, healthy life for your pet.

Here’s to many cozy, contented snoozes for your mini hippo!

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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