3 Common Health Issues in Sphynx Cats!

3 Common Health Issues in Sphynx Cats!

3 Common Health Issues in Sphynx Cats!

3 Common Health Issues in Sphynx Cats

Bare-skinned, bold, and unabashedly unique, Sphynx cats have captured the hearts of feline enthusiasts worldwide. These captivating creatures might lack a coat, but they more than make up for it with their playful antics and endearing personalities.



But it’s not all velvety-skinned cuddles and purrs - if you’re considering adopting a Sphynx cat, there are some common health concerns you should be aware of. Here is the no-fluff, bare-naked truth about the health issues these kitties face. 

  1. Sensitive Stomach

Sphynx cats often suffer from chronic diarrhea and loose stools and can be diagnosed with irritable bowel disease.

While this sounds horrific, the good news is that this can be completely mitigated by feeding them a quality fresh food diet that is free of common allergens.

Check out my tutorial on how to make your own safe and healthy pet food and here is my list of top recommended pre-made fresh foods. Also, feel free to message me if you need further help or guidance choosing the right food for your cat.

  1. Skin Issues

Sphynx cats can also struggle with chronic skin issues and complaints, but again, these can be healed through a proper diet.

Often the skin produces the outward sign that indicates your cat may have a food sensitivity. Try out our food sensitivity test kit for peace of mind.

While your kitty recovers and gets used to their new diet, don't forget to pamper them with our wonderful range of restorative skin products to help speed up the healing and make your sphynx cat feel like royalty.

  1. HCM Heart Disease

HCM heart disease is a genetic mutation that is present at birth but often does not become evident until adulthood. It causes a thickening of the walls of the heart which can impair cardiac function.

It is so important to adopt your Sphynx cat from a proactive breeder who regularly scans and DNA tests their adult cats to ensure they are breeding healthy animals. 

You should also try to have your cat checked regularly by a board-certified cardiologist to ensure your cat's heart remains healthy.

VetSpecialists.com is an online directory that allows you to search for a board-certified vet in the 6 specialties of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM). Alternatively, try out this Facebook group called Global HCM Clinics where you can request recommendations from other kitty parents in your area.


Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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