Does Your Cat Have Herpes?

Does Your Cat Have Herpes?

Does Your Cat Have Herpes?

In the world of feline health, one viral culprit often lurks in the shadows: feline herpes virus, or FHV-1. This common and contagious infection can affect cats of all ages, causing a range of symptoms from mild sneezing to more severe respiratory distress.

Here’s what you need to know.



If your cat is experiencing any of these symptoms, it might be a sign that they are suffering from the feline herpes virus.



If your cat sneezes repeatedly in bouts of 5, 10, 15, 20 plus sneezes at one time, this is not your normal type of sneezing due to dust in the air, environmental allergy triggers or some other irritant. Repeated sneezing is one of the foremost tell-tale signs of the herpes virus.

It’s important to note here that sneezing in our cats and dogs often doesn’t look the same as human sneezing - they can do what’s called a reverse sneeze. Sometimes people mistake this for coughing, breathing issues, or a problem in their throat when it actually is reverse sneezing. 

This is what a reverse sneeze looks like.


Watery Eye Discharge

Another big tell-tale sign of the herpes virus infection is a clear, watery discharge that comes from their eyes and continues day after day without resolution for weeks on end.



Some cats can experience red or brown colored flat lesions or rash areas on their forearms or the shin area on their legs. Sometimes they have these rashes or lesions on their neck. These are another big sign that your cat has contracted the herpes virus.

If your kitty is experiencing any of these symptoms, you will need to work closely with your veterinarian to develop a treatment and management plan that suits your cat's specific needs. While FHV-1 cannot be cured, with the right care, many infected cats can lead happy and relatively healthy lives. 

RenewedPet offers extremely effective immune boosting supplements to help your kitty naturally defend themselves against this disease. You can simply sprinkle the powder into their food each day and give a few drops of liquid Vitamin C to give a massive boost to their immune system. If you are giving both products you can save by ordering the immune health combo.

Keep in mind that regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to monitor your cat's condition and address any issues that may arise. 

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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