My Cat Had Urinary Crystals and Is on a Prescription Diet - Can I Switch To A Fresh Food Diet?

My Cat Had Urinary Crystals and Is on a Prescription Diet - Can I Switch To A Fresh Food Diet?

My Cat Had Urinary Crystals and Is on a Prescription Diet - Can I Switch To A Fresh Food Diet?

A common question I get asked is: “My cat had urinary crystals and is on a specialized prescription diet, can I switch her to a fresh food diet? Will changing her food make the crystals return?”


The first thing to be aware of is that urinary crystals can be caused by a number of different things, so the first step is to speak with your veterinarian and have them check your cat’s records in order to tell you the type of crystals and their root cause.

Once you have this information, you can seek out a certified pet nutritionist or a veterinarian nutrition specialist and show them the records of what caused your cat’s urinary crystals and the specific type. There are simple things that can be added to your cat’s diet to prevent them from returning.

I have had personal experience with this as my cat Stubbin had urinary crystals. With my knowledge as a pet nutritionist and in close consultation with my veterinarian, I was able to add two supplements to his raw food diet and he has never experienced a crystal again. 

Switching your urinary crystal prone kitty to a raw food diet absolutely can be done, you just need to do a little bit of research. Getting started on a fresh food diet is not as difficult as you might think and with the proper supportive urinary supplements added to the food your kitty can be crystal free forever without a specialized prescription diet.

My two top choices for the best supplements to prevent urinary issues in your kitty are this kidney and bladder support supplement and good old Vitamin C!

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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