Recognizing and Treating Poisoning in Skinny Pigs!

Recognizing and Treating Poisoning in Skinny Pigs!

Recognizing and Treating Poisoning in Skinny Pigs!

Skinny pigs are utterly adorable pets, but did you know that their curious nature could sometimes lead them into trouble? 

Let’s look at how to keep them safe and out of mischief!

What's Poisonous to Skinny Pigs?

Skinny pigs, much like their furry guinea pig cousins, have a penchant for nibbling on just about anything they can get their tiny mouths around. However, not everything in their reach is safe for consumption. Here are a few common household items and foods that could pose a risk:


Many of us love decorating our homes with greenery, but did you know that some plants like lilies, philodendrons, and ivy are toxic to skinny pigs? Always check the safety of plants before bringing them into your home.

Human Foods: 

While it's tempting to share your snacks with your pet, foods like chocolate, caffeine, garlic, and onions are big no-nos. These can cause serious health issues in skinny pigs.

Cleaning Supplies: 

Those colorful bottles might catch your pet's eye, but they contain chemicals that are harmful if ingested. Keep these stored away safely or upgrade to pet safe products.


Some woods are not safe for your skinny pig to ingest, so be careful if you are making home-made wooden enclosures or creatively crafting chews or wooden toys for your skinny pig. If you choose safe woods, be sure not to paint or varnish them as these types of substances are harmful if ingested.

PRO TIP: When your skinny pig is outside the safety of their enclosure always make sure you are with them - this will stop them from getting into anything they shouldn’t.

Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning


If your usually energetic skinny pig is suddenly sluggish or uninterested in their surroundings, it's a red flag.

Loss of Appetite: 

A decrease in appetite or refusal to eat is another sign that something's amiss.

Breathing Difficulties

Watch out for any changes in breathing patterns, such as rapid or shallow breaths.

Physical Changes: 

Symptoms like drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea are clear indicators of potential poisoning.

Treating Poisoning in Skinny Pigs

If you suspect your skinny pig has ingested something toxic, time is of the essence. Here's what you can do:

Stay Calm: You cannot get your pet the help they need if you are in a panic

Identify the Poison:

If you can, figure out what your skinny pig has ingested. This information will be crucial for the vet.

Contact Your Vet Immediately: 

Explain the situation and follow their instructions. They will likely advise you to bring your pet in right away.

PRO TIP: Have all emergency vet and local vet numbers saved on your phone ready for an emergency so you don’t waste precious time searching Google.

Preventing Poisoning

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to poisoning. Here are a few tips to keep your skinny pig safe:

Pet-Proof Your Home: 

Ensure that toxic foods, plants, and chemicals are out of reach. Think like a tiny explorer and remove any temptations.

Educate Your Household:

Make sure everyone in your home knows what's safe and what's not for your skinny pig.



By being vigilant about what's in their environment and always supervising time outside their enclosure, you can ensure your skinny pig leads a long, happy, and healthy life. 

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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