PrettyLitter - Keeps tabs on your Cats Health!

PrettyLitter - Keeps tabs on your Cats Health!

PrettyLitter - Keeps tabs on your Cats Health!

ReNewedPet® is now an exclusive affiliate with Pretty Litter to help share the news about this revolutionary cat litter. 

Cats are notorious for hiding illnesses, so it's often hard to tell if they are sick or in pain. PrettyLitter makes it easier for you to know if your cat is experiencing a potential health issue before urgent medical care is needed, saving you money, stress and potentially your cat's life. Potential health issues that can be associated with color change include:

  • ALKALINE  Certain types of urinary tract infections. High urinary pH can lead to bladder crystal and stone formation.
  • ACIDITY  Metabolic acidosis & kidney tubular acidosis. Low urinary pH can lead to Calcium Oxalate.
  • BLOOD Bladder inflammation, bladder Stones, urinary tract infection.


Simply CLICK HERE to receive a $5.00 off discount with the purchase one bag of PrettyLitter and with free shipping on your order.  



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