If your Cat is Sick ask for THIS Test!

If your Cat is Sick ask for THIS Test!

If your Cat is Sick ask for THIS Test!

If Your Cat is Sick Ask for THIS Test!

When your pet gets sick, it can be a very stressful time full of worry, after all, your cat cannot tell you where it hurts and you have to assess whether their symptoms are serious enough to seek out a vet. Upper respiratory infections are a common illness in cats, but being proactive is one of the best ways to ensure a speedy recovery for your baby.


So, if your kitty is sick, here are the reasons you will want to ask your vet to do an upper respiratory PCR test. 

  1. Similar Symptoms

Sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between the symptoms of environmental allergies or asthma or an actual bacterial or viral upper respiratory infection in our pets. A PCR test will take all the guesswork out of the equation and give you the answer you need fast.

  1. Fast Results

In many cases, you can get the results of a PCR test the next day. This eliminates endless worry and enables you to get your kitty the right treatment almost immediately, so they can get better faster.

  1. Targeted Results

An upper respiratory PCR test can tell you exactly what infection is making your cat sick. 

This is crucial to know to provide the correct medication. If your cat has a viral infection, only antiviral medication will work. Similarly, if it’s bacterial, you will need to know what type of bacteria it is so your vet can choose the proper classification of antibiotics to use.

Without this information, your vet may prescribe the wrong antibiotic which may not work and can make the infection worse by creating a superbug. Since antibiotics also kill the healthy gut flora, you want to ensure that the medication is correct so you don’t deplete the good bacteria for no reason. A great idea is to support your pet’s gut health with a quality probiotic, like this one.

So if your baby is showing any signs of an upper respiratory infection please ask your vet to do an upper respiratory PCR test right away so your baby can get treated properly.

Lastly, if your cat is prone to bouts of respiratory troubles you could consider a vitamin boost to support their health. I also highly recommend these pet respiratory support drops which are 100% organic.

Keep giving your pets the best of natural life!


April Arguin A.S., C.P.N., M.P.H

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